We are inspired to probe the nexus of humanity, technology, and spirituality. We are compelled to think freely, to dream endlessly, and to create necessarily. We acknowledge the fundamental truth that mistakes do not exist… only happy accidents. We invite you to surrender to the flow, and to explore with us, while seeking inspiration on your journey!

Phish Studies Conference 2.0

Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon - May 16-19, 2024

We sent Focused Visions photographer Derek Finholt to once again document the Phish Studies Conference, graciously hosted by Oregon State University. The main image gallery is viewable now so be sure to check out the images, and feel free to save, share, and link your favorite pictures on social media.  — Kung! Kung! Kung! — 

Artist Galleries

We are actively seeking to represent artists who reflect our interests and our values. Click below to see Pineal Artists that have already joined our team… you can find art for sale in our Shop, of course, or email us for custom commissions, collaborations, etc.